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Friday, December 31, 2010


Salam and a wish of happiness to all of you.

The idea of having this blog was when one day I came across this quote from Benjamin Franklin:

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing"

I did have a few blogs before but those blogs are more or less about my life, what I go through in my daily lives, what I love and hate the most in life as well as many other things that people would call SHIT.

So instead of writing SHIT, I was thinking that I better write something related to my experience as an undergraduate.

So, I came up with this blog known as CRAP.

C – come, R – read, A – and, P – ponder

CRAP would be highlighting some of the issues related to languages especially English language.

Therefore, CRAP would be filled with my writings and other writings taken from different sources.

For those who wish to use my writings as your reference, you are very much welcome.

However, please give credit to my blog.

So, let’s begin this journey…